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Leadership and Superintendent Leadership Certification

Beginning September 1, 2019, all principals and superintendents in Alberta, with the exception of those employed by First Nations Education Authorities, are required to hold or obtain the appropriate Certification within three years of commencing their position.

The Ministry has a new website that contains information on leadership certification:

Leadership Certification and Superintendent Leadership Certification University Courses and Programs


The Faculty of Education offers courses that fulfill Alberta Education’s academic requirements for Alberta Principal Certification (Leadership Quality Standard) and Alberta Superintendent Certification (Superintendent Leadership Quality Standard).

Alberta Principal Certification (LQS)
EDU 520 Theoretical and Professional Foundations of School Leadership
EDU 521 School Leadership: Theory into Practice (prerequisite EDU 520)

Alberta Superintendent Certification (SLQS)
EDU 523 System Leadership: Theory into Practice

GCSL Info Sheet

UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA – Faculté Saint-Jean (Edmonton)

Winter 2021: CEDUL 503 — Dimensions politiques et administratives de l’éducation bilingue
Spring 2022: CEDUL 504 — Stage pratique de direction

For your information, CEDUL 501 and 502 are the two courses required by the registrar office of Alberta Education for the certification in leadership.

UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY – Werklund School of Education (Calgary)

Master of Education Specialist Route – Leadership for Learning (LQS & SLQS certification) – this is a 2 year fully online program with 12 courses.

Please contact academic coordinator, Dr. Jim Brandon jbrandon@ucalgary.ca for more information about this program.

Master of Education Interdisciplinary Route –

Please contact academic coordinator, Dr. Jaime Beck jaime.beck@ucalgary.ca for more information about this program.

UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY – Continuing Education

PDS 250 – School Leadership Qualification Standard
Alberta Education Leadership Program

Course Description
In this 80-hour course, principals and other school leaders, and potential school leaders, will explore the nine competencies and indicators set out by Alberta Education as required expectations to meet the Leadership Quality Standard.

PDS 251 – Superintendent Leadership Qualification Standard
Alberta Education Leadership Program

Course Description
In this course, superintendents and potential superintendents will explore the seven competencies and indicators set out by Alberta Learning as required expectations to meet the Superintendent Leadership Quality Standard. Instructors of this non-credit course are experienced senior education leaders.


Full online delivery for the courses: https://www.stmu.ca/academics/education/edld/

St. Mary’s University Faculty of Education is offering two NEW 3-credit courses for aspiring school administrators and teacher leaders. Structured on a sequential knowledge and skill development model, the two courses include theory and practice in the development of the nine competencies as outlined in the Leadership Quality Standard. Alberta Education has approved these two courses for Principal accreditation.

For more information, please contact: Kristin Stringer, Education Specialist
kristin.stringer@stmu.ca • 403-254-3747


The Faculty of Education at the University of Lethbridge currently has two pathways to meet the LQS certification:

Master of Education (Educational Leadership)https://www.uleth.ca/future-student/graduate-studies/master-education/educational-leadership

Two-course package Leadership Quality Standardhttps://www.uleth.ca/education/leadership-quality-standard-courses

An FAQ page on this topic is available here: https://www.uleth.ca/future-student/graduate-studies/leadership-quality-standard


The Graduate Certificate in Educational Leadership at Concordia University of Edmonton (CUE) is designed to support the educational leadership certification requirements of Alberta Education.

More information here.

Learn how to apply at https://concordia.ab.ca/future-students/admissions/how-to-apply/

For more information contact: dean.education@concordia.ab.ca