CASS Bylaws

Section 77 of the CASS Act stipulates the legislative parameters for the use of Bylaws: Bylaws become the mechanism through which the College addresses governance and the management and conduct of its business and affairs.



PDF  CASS Bylaws, Updated November 2, 2023


Vision of the College:

Leadership and System Excellence

Mission of the College

CASS supports building system leadership excellence to ensure optimal learning for all students.

Belief Statements of the College

The College of Alberta School Superintendents has established belief statements to assure that the vision, mission, values, and common goals of its members may be made applicable to emerging matters impacting education. These statements have also been developed with consideration for how CASS furthers effectiveness in three basic roles:

  • Applying regulatory authority with its membership with respect to the accreditation of system education leaders who annually engage in the College’s Continuing Education Program;
  • Serving as a learned body of system educational leaders who are ready to offer expertise to other educational partners and Alberta Education;
  • Influencing through collaborative advocacy, decision making at the Ministerial level that will enhance the effectiveness of school authorities, school system leadership, teachers, and learning outcomes for students.