Professional Learning Modules
Professional Learning Modules are designed to enhance system leaders’ professional growth and practice based on a focus on one competency. The value in the learning is based on coming together with your colleagues to discuss practice based on context and current research. ( CASS/ASBOA Summer Conference) Learning modules begin with a focus on personal leadership capacities that are essential to the role system leaders play in ensuring optimum learning for all students in Alberta. The conference provides an opportunity for inquiry into problems of practice, current research and reflection on practice and plan for growth.
The initial facilitation of professional learning modules was in August 2018 at the CASS/ASBOA conference. 5 modules, based on SLQS competencies and role of superintendents and system leaders, were offered with the participant guide and facilitator slides available at this site.
The 2019 CASS/ASBOA Summer conference offered members the opportunity to be engaged with Visionary Leadership, Supporting Effective Governance and an Inclusive Education Professional Learning Module, all represented in the materials posted here. A Human Resources module was developed in collaboration with ASBOA and also presented in 2019. Given the pandemic the summer conference program in 2020 and 2021 shifted away from offering professional learning modules.
Visionary Leadership Presentation 2022
Visionary Leadership 2022 - Vision and Detail
Visionary Leadership 2022 - CCSD's Story of Practice
Visionary Leadership 2022 - Visionary Leadership for All Students
- 2019 Visionary Leadership Participant Guide
- 2019 Visionary Leadership Presentation
- 2018 Visionary Leadership Participant Guide
- World Cafe Feedback (August 16, 2018)
- Visionary Leadership Slides
The Supporting Effective Governance Competency updated to:
A superintendent of schools as referred to in the Education Act, as chief executive officer of the board and chief education officer of the school authority, provides the board with information, advice and support required for the fulfillment of its governance role, and reports to the Minister on all matters required of the superintendent as identified in the Education Act and other provincial legislation.
Previous versions of the competency referred to the School Act.