Leading Together- Creating the Conditions for Optimum Learning for All
About this Project
The practice standards for CASS members and Areas of Practice for ASBOA members imply shared responsibility for creating the conditions for all students to be successful. School authority leaders in Alberta have an essential role in building system coherence, and collective efficacy resulting in enhancing the learning and wellbeing of all children and young people in the province. Dr. Santiago Rincón-Gallardo presentations (August 2023) provide current research and practice on how effective school authorities build coherence and create the conditions for optimal learning and wellbeing for all students.
What should we mean by “optimum learning for all” NOW?
- What should we mean by optimum learning for all NOW?
Total Ideas Submitted: 22
What should we mean “for all” to mean NOW?
- What should we mean “for all” to mean NOW?
Total Ideas Submitted: 1
In what ways is the understanding we should have of optimum learning for all students similar or different from 5 years ago?
The SLQS makes direct reference to the importance of the school authorities’ constant analysis of the (changing) context to make mindful decisions to create the conditions for the optimum learning of all students in the school authority. The political, environmental and social changes of the past few years represent very considerable changes in context. In this scenario:
- In what ways is the understanding we should have of optimum learning for all students similar or different from 5 years ago?