The College of Alberta School Superintendents (CASS) Act (2021; Updated 2023) established CASS as a legislated professional organization. Section 5, B, i of the  Act states CASS is to improve the teaching profession and leadership of the education system by developing and implementing continuing education programs and resources to improve the knowledge and skills of members. Section 70 of the Act requires the College to establish continuing education requirements that support meeting the Leadership Quality Standard and Superintendent Leadership Quality Standard.

Section 77 of the CASS Act stipulates the legislative parameters for the use of Bylaws: Bylaws become the mechanism through which the College addresses governance and the management and conduct of its business and affairs. As such, CASS members must abide by the CASS Bylaws.

The CASS Policy Manual highlights and supports the governance work of the CASS Board of Directors. In addition to clearly defining the role of the Board, the role of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the delegation of authority from the Board to the CEO, it addresses the following in its policies:

  • directions for how the Board of Directors is to function and how individual members of the Board are to conduct themselves;
  • parameters through which finances are managed;
  • support services accessible to members;
  • responsibility for the integrity of the College’s Continuing Education Program (CEP) (See Section 2-1 – Implementing the Continuing Education Program);
  • non-delegable matters such as policy making; and,
  • specific matters which the Board has chosen to delegate to the CEO.

These board policies are supplemented by CASS Administrative Procedures (AP) as part of the Administrative Procedures Manual. AP 300 – Accreditation, AP 301 – Audit and Adjudication of  Accreditation, AP 302 – Sanctions and AP 303 – Program Quality Assurance provide specific guidelines and procedures related to the Continuing Education Program. These APs are found in the Administrative Procedures Manual in the Member Portal.