
Program Description
The CASS Continuing Education Program offers a variety of professional learning opportunities for regulated system education leaders to attain an annual accreditation requirement that serves as evidence of competence as a system education leader. Each professional learning opportunity, aligned with competencies identified in the Alberta Leadership Quality Standard (LQS) and the Superintendent Leadership Quality Standard (SLQS), is designed to provide CASS regulated members with choice, flexibility, and engagement with current knowledge and relevant research related to the profession of system education leadership.
The guiding principles of the CASS Continuing Education Program provide the foundation for the development and delivery of professional learning for system education leaders. The guiding principles ensure that learners’ experiences in the program are in alignment with achieving a consistent standard of professional practice, as identified in the Leadership Quality Standard (2020) and Superintendent Leadership Quality Standard (2020).
- Responsive – The CASS CEP responds to the professional learning needs of system education leaders by providing collaborative, flexible, and responsive learning opportunities to build professional capacity.
- Research-informed – The CASS CEP applies research and data-informed practice to support professional growth in system education leadership.
- Innovative – The CASS CEP develops and delivers accredited professional learning about system education leadership based on the Alberta Leadership Quality Standard (LQS) and Superintendent Leadership Quality Standard (SLQS).
The Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) support system education leaders in achieving professional competency, as identified in the CASS Act (2022). The PLOs ensure the Continuing Education Program consistently meets the needs of system education leaders to build professional capacity through a framework of the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and actions expected for the profession.
Learners in the CASS Continuing Education Program will . . .
- Engage in ongoing critical reflection about research informed opportunities for enhancing system education leadership, teaching, and learning.
- Work collaboratively with diverse teams to problem solve and apply teamwork strategies for creating shared understanding about system education leadership.
- Examine research and data sources to determine relevancy to support planning and decision-making in a culture of continuous improvement.
- Acquire and apply foundational knowledge about First Nations, Métis, and Inuit for the benefit of all.
- Explore innovative approaches to leading and managing operations and resources to create optimal learning environments for students.
- Demonstrate ethical behaviours by applying the Alberta Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers and Teacher Leaders (2022), in all matters and interactions.
- Foster the development of professional competency in system education leadership within self and others.
- Evaluate issues, trends, and engagement practices related to achieving optimal learning for all students in a variety of leadership contexts.