Establishing and Sustaining Respectful Relationships for Student Success: Education Service Agreements

Education Service Agreements

Continuous Improvement Cycle

This eLeadership Guide will use the Alberta Government Continuous Improvement Cycle (Alberta Education, 2022b; see Figure 1) to examine this topic from a system perspective. The Continuous Improvement Cycle includes the key components of explore, develop, take action, and evaluate.

Figure 1

Continuous Improvement Cycle

Note. From Funding Manual for School Authorities, 2022/23 School Year, by Alberta Education, 2022, p. 23 ( Copyright 2022 by Alberta Education.

The key components are described in the Funding Manual for School Authorities, 2022/23 School Year (Alberta Education, 2022b) as below and related topics for this eLeadership Guide are highlighted within each section.


Involves accessing, analyzing and interpreting accurate and relevant data, and identifying and understanding an issue, concern or problem. Key question: What is going on here?


Involves Identification of a problem or challenge that can be addressed; identification of potentially successful strategies to address learner-centered problem/challenge; and developing an action plan. Key question: What needs to be improved? How?

Take action

Involves learning as you implement the plan and making adjustments through formative feedback. Key question: How are we “actioning” the plan?


Involves evaluating the impact of the plan. Key question: Did our planned strategies have the desired outcomes? What next?

(Alberta Education, 2022b, p. 2)


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The College of Alberta School Superintendents upholds the standard of practice for system education leaders in Alberta.