Suggested Resources – Grande Prairie and Districts Catholic Schools
Government of Alberta (2022). LearnAlberta.
Ginsberg, D. M. (n.d.). Reading simplified.
Heggerty, M. (2020). The Heggerty curriculum.
Makar B.W. (n.d.). Primary phonics readers.
Hall, S. L. (2018). 10 success factors for literacy intervention. ASCD.
MathUp. (2021). Rubicon Publishing Inc.
Newton, N. (2020). Day-by-day math thinking routines in kindergarten: 40 weeks of quick prompts and activities. Eye on Education.
Newton, N. (2020). Day-by-day math thinking routines in grade 1: 40 weeks of quick prompts and activities. Eye on Education.
Newton, N. (2020). Day-by-day math thinking routines in grade 2: 40 weeks of quick prompts and activities. Eye on Education.
Newton, N. (2020). Day-by-day math thinking routines in grade 3: 40 weeks of quick prompts and activities. Eye on Education.