eLeadership Guide – Learning Disruption

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  • Reflective Questions
    1. What elements are working well in my school district in how we address learning disruption?
    2. Is the work my school district is doing working? How do we know?
    3. What elements of the stories of practice in this eLeadership Guide hold promise for my school district?
    4. How can I influence my school district to build professional capacity to ensure teachers, principals, and system education leaders have the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and ability to action what needs to be done to address learning disruption?
    5. What is my “why” about how my school district addresses learning disruption? Does our community know our “why?”
    6. What is my school district’s approach to systemic solutions?
  • Moving Forward Ideas
    • Importance of Data-informed Decision Making: How is our school division using data to inform our decision making? What is working well? What do we need to improve?
    • Research Focus: What elements from research hold promise for your understanding about learning disruption and system education leadership to improve student achievement?
    • Guiding Resources: Consider the numerous references and resources that were mentioned in the stories of practice. Which ones could help to inform your work in your school district?
    • Scheduling: How can time be restructured in your school district to maximize time for interventions and just-in time learning?
    • Celebrations: How does your school district engage with stakeholders, support students, and celebrate successes?
    • Systemic Approaches: What are the consistent expectations and approaches in your school district’s systemic solutions?
    • “Whole Child”: How does your school district’s leadership team consider the “whole child” in leading learning?
    • Collaboration: What are the layers of collaboration in your school system? Are the collaboration results demonstrable?
  • Additional Resources


Suite 1300, First Edmonton Place
10665 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5J 3S9
P: 780.540.9205
E: admin@cass.ab.ca

The College of Alberta School Superintendents upholds the standard of practice for system leadership in Alberta.