System Education Leaders’ Roadmap to Addressing Classroom Complexity

Classroom Complexity

Continuous Improvement Cycle

This eLeadership Guide will use the Alberta Government Continuous Improvement Cycle to examine this topic from a system perspective. The Continuous Improvement Cycle includes the key components of explore, develop, take action, and evaluate.

Figure 1

Continuous Improvement Cycle

Note. From Funding Manual for School Authorities, 2022/23 School Year, by Alberta Education, 2022, p. 23 ( Copyright 2022 by Alberta Education.

The key components are described in the Funding Manual as below:

  • Explore: Involves accessing, analyzing and interpreting accurate and relevant data, and identifying and understanding an issue, concern or problem. Key question: What is going on here?
  • Develop: Involves Identification of a problem or challenge that can be addressed; identification of potentially successful strategies to address learner-centered problem/challenge; and developing an action plan. Key question: What needs to be improved? How?
  • Take action: Involves learning as you implement the plan and making adjustments through formative feedback. Key question: How are we ‘actioning’ the plan?
  • Evaluate: Involves evaluating the impact of the plan. Key question: Did our planned strategies have the desired outcomes? What next?

Source: Funding Manual for School Authorities, 2023/24, p. 23


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