What is Comprehensive Professional Learning?

A comprehensive professional learning plan includes a number of components that support superintendents’ and system education leaders’ professional practice:

Comprehensive Professional Learning Components:

CASS Comprehensive Professional Learning Practices:

Outcome for professional learning CASS Outcome:
Deepening the understanding and applying the learning to support implementation of professional practice.
Plan for implementation and professional learning CASS examples: https://cass.ab.ca/planning-for-implementation/

CASS Implementation Plan
Comprehensive Professional Learning Plan
First Nations, Métis and Inuit Professional Learning Plan

Professional learning opportunities that enhance professional practice, meet the individual’s and group’s needs, and are based on the provincial context CASS professional learning opportunities are coherent  with:

  • Superintendent Leadership Quality Standard
  • Leadership Quality Standard
  • Alberta Education Business Plan
  • Members’ feedback and input
Diverse approaches for professional learning based on effective design principles
CASS Learning opportunities include conferences, one- day workshops, online sessions, online resources, print materials, communities of practice through Role Alike opportunities  and access for CASS  members to a private  portal with additional tools and resources.


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Ongoing assessment and evaluation of the learning activities Informal (members conversations) and formal (conference/workshop surveys) determine direction for future learning opportunities.

Influenced and informed by  “A Guide to Comprehensive Professional Development Planning”, “A Guide to Support Implementation: Essential Conditions” and “Learning Forward: Comprehensive Professional Learning System