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CASS / Alberta Education Annual Learning Conference
Conference Details
CASS Alberta Education Annual Learning 2018 Highlights
Program at a Glance
Conference Booklet
Map of the Hotel
The CASS/Alberta Education Annual Learning Conference will use the Team Leadership Learning * approach to design the learning. The content will be based on emerging research and practices coherent with the professional practice standard(s).
Michael Fullan and Santiago Rincón-Gallardo will be the key facilitators for the pre conference ( March 21st) , Conference Opening the evening of the 21st and full day workshop on the 22nd. On March 23rd Alberta Education, CASS and/or partners will share emerging initiatives, projects and messages. Role-a-like meeting opportunities will also be scheduled.
Based on grant funding from Alberta Education and direction from the CASS Board the overarching outcome for CASS professional learning opportunities: Superintendent leadership supports quality school leadership and teaching to create optimum learning for all students in Alberta.
Pre Conference – Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Deepening Learning in classrooms, schools and districts. Leadership Support for Implementation of the Professional Practice Standard(s)
What does deep learning and the pedagogies that nurture it look like? What do superintendents and system leaders do to deepen student learning within their school authorities? Participants in this pre-conference workshop will explore these questions through:
1) exposure to some of the most powerful world-wide examples of deep learning in classrooms, schools, and school authority;
2) engagement with key principles of action to deepen learning in classrooms, schools and school systems; and
3) design of strategies grounded in the context and stage of development of each participant’s school authority.
Fullan highlights “Deepening Learning” in the book Coherence – the Right Drivers in Action for Schools, Districts and Systems. He and co –author Joanne Quinn describe Deepening Learning as: “…shifting to a deeper understanding of the process of learning and how we can influence it. It involved building precision in pedagogy and weaving together three strands: Learning Partnerships, Learning Environments and Leveraging Digital”. In this new coherence-making model “pedagogy is the driver and digital is the accelerator to go faster and deeper into learning for all”.
This CASS/Alberta Education pre conference session will allow for the opportunity for system teams to delve into deepening learning with a focus on precision in pedagogy with digital as an accelerator.
Competencies in the draft superintendent quality leadership standard to be developed through this workshop: Leading Learning, Ensuring First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education for all Students and Visionary Leadership, Building Effective Relationships.
Who should attend? System teams interested in moving strategies forward that rely on improved pedagogical practice. (E.g., Indigenous education, Learning Technology Policy Framework (LTPF), Curriculum, Mental Health, Inclusive environments, Student Engagement, Assessment.)
Conference Opening – Wednesday, March 21, 2018
The new Role of Superintendents/System Leaders: Lead and Learn with your team in equal measure – Micheal Fullan
As we make progress on ‘whole system change’ the role of leadership has shifted. It involves both greater scope of action, and more precision in the nature of leadership itself. Superintendents and their leadership teams are key in this transformation. They will be required to build leadership team expertise at the district level, cultivate deeper relationships with schools and grow their leadership capacity, enable lateral cohesion within the district, and become better proactive provincial partners to influence whole system improvement. They will also be expected to foster principal development as well as leverage bottom up change from teachers (collaborative professionalism), students and communities. The Professional Practice Standards in Alberta offer a consistent measure of competency and a unique opportunity to catalyze action in this direction.
Conference Team Leadership Workshop – Thursday, March 22, 2018
Leading from the Middle: Deepening SystemLeadership and Personal Learning
Lead Learners create the conditions for others to learn while learning alongside them about what works and what doesn’t. They recognize that lateral capacity (connecting and learning across schools) and vertical connection (good relationships across school authorities) forms the glue of coherence. In this workshop, participants will gain exposure to promising ideas and effective practices to lead learning across their jurisdiction as indicated in competencies identified in the Superintendent Leadership Quality Standard.
In particular, participants will enhance their practical understanding to:
1) develop collaborative cultures (building effective relationships);
2) model learning (modelling a commitment to professional learning);
3) unleash and manage pedagogical innovation (leading learning);
4) maximize impact on student learning outcomes.
Using a Team Leadership Learning approach, this full day workshop will use short presentations to introduce core ideas and stimulate your thinking around coherence making, followed by team sessions where you and your team will be guided and supported in planning your own work.
Competencies in the draft superintendent quality leadership standard to be developed through this workshop: Leading Learning, and Visionary Leadership, Modelling Commitment to Professional Learning and Building Effective Relationships.
Who should attend? System teams who are interested in building their own and others capacity and who wish to have dedicated planning time to address the areas of focus for their own school authority.
Conference – Friday, March 23, 2018
Role-A – Like Meetings and Plenary Sessions
Opportunities to meet with role-alike colleagues (e.g.,Chief Superintendents, Curriculum and Assessment, Human Resource, Technology, First Nations Education School Authority Leads) will occur on Friday morning. Plenary sessions will also be offered and are identified via the registration link.
Michael Fullan, O.C., is the former dean of the Ontario Institute for Studies of Education, University of Toronto. Recognized as a worldwide authority on educational reform, he advises policy makers and local leaders around the world in helping achieve the moral purpose of all children learning. He is an adviser to the premier and minister of education in Ontario and is coleader of the New Pedagogies for Deep Learning global partnership. Michael is a prolific, award-winning author whose books have been published in many languages. His latest books include: Professional Capital (with Andy Hargreaves),The Principal: Three Keys for Maximizing Impact, The New Meaning of Educational Change (5th edition), Coherence: The Right Drivers in Action for Schools, Districts, and Systems (with Joanne Quinn), Freedom to Change, and Indelible Leadership: Always Leave them Learning. Michael received the Order of Canada in December 2012. He holds honorary doctorates from several universities in North America and abroad.
Santiago Rincón-Gallardo is Chief Research Officer at Michael Fullan’s international consulting team. In this position, he conducts research and advises system leaders and educators to advance whole system reform for instructional improvement. Santiago worked for over a decade promoting grassroots pedagogical innovation in Mexican public schools serving historically marginalized communities. His academic work explores how effective pedagogies for deep learning can spread at scale. Santiago holds an Ed.D on Education Policy, Leadership and Instructional Practice and an Ed.M in International Education Policy from Harvard. He completed post-doctoral studies and is currently a visiting scholar at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.
Joanne Quinn is an international consultant focusing on whole system change, capacity building, leadership, and professional learning. Joanne leads whole system change projects for states and districts, consults with governments, foundations and education systems, and is co-founder of New Pedagogies for Deep Learning (NPDL). Her recent books, co-authored with Michael Fullan, are Coherence: The Right Drivers in Action for Schools, Districts, and Systems (2016) and Deep Learning: Engage the World Change the World (2018).
Conference Reading and Resource Materials
Deepening Learning Quinn Fullan March 2018 Slides
Deepening Learning in Classrooms, Schools and Districts:Handout
Fullan, Quinn and Rincon Gallardo Pre Conference March 2018
The New Role of Superintendents: Fullan CASS/Alberta Education Conference Opening : (March 2018)
Leading from the Middle – Deepening System Leadership and Personal Learning: Fullan, Rincon-Gallardo Conference Workshop (Updated March 27 2018)
CASS Fall Conference 2017 Highlights
Alberta Team Leadership Sessions by M. Fullan and S. Rincon-Gallardo (CASS 2017 Fall Conference)
Support for Implementation: Professional Practice Standard(s) (CASS/Alberta Education 2017 Annual Conference. Including University and Keynote presentations )
Author Interview: ‘Deep Learning: Engage the World, Change the World’:Michael Fullan, Joanne Quinn, and Joanne McEachen answer questions about their new book, Deep Learning: Engage The World, Change The World. http://blogs.edweek.org/teachers/classroom_qa_with_larry_ferlazzo/2018/01/author_interview_deep_learning_-_engage_the_world_change_the_world.html
Congratulations to the following CASS members whose retirement will be celebrated on March 22
- Dr. Dale Bischoff
- Gary Chiste
- Susan Church
- * Wanda Christensen
- * Dr. Michèle Dick
- * Karen Egge
- * Cory Gray
- Wilma Gurtler
- Sean McGuinness
- Tim Monds
- Dr. Carol Murray
- Cynthia Parr
- * Sheldon Rowe
- * Dr. Brenda Sautner
- David Stevenson
- Barry Wowk
* Who are unable to attend
Goal: |
Conference goals: Deepening the understanding and applying the learning to further a commitment to action and support implementation of the professional practice standard(s). (2018-19) |
Date(s): |
March 21-23 2018 |
Location: |
Conference occurs at the Chateau Lacombe, Edmonton 10111 Bellamy Hill Rd NW Annual Learning Conference Delegates Parking will be provided at no charge to all delegates who attend the CASS/Alberta Education Annual Learning Conference and/or Pre-Conference. Guests of the Chateau Lacombe will register their vehicles when checking in. Delegates who are not staying at the Chateau Lacombe will be asked to register their vehicles on a sheet that will be located adjacent to the registration table. http://bookings.ihotelier.com/bookings.jsp?groupID=1628450&hotelID=85252
Guest may also call the hotel direct and book under the College of AB School Superintendents (CASS) Guestroom Block CASS hotel rate of $135.00 night, which includes parking Block Code : 20180313COL Direct Tel: (780) 428-6611 Toll Free: 1-(800) 661-8801 Please note: Guestrooms must be booked by February 16, 2018 |