eLeadership Guide – Explore, Engage and Experience: Finding a Future in Trades and Technologies

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To effectively increase students’ interest and involvement in skilled trades and technologies professions, schools must adopt a cohesive strategy that combines leadership, collaboration, curriculum enhancement, early student exposure and on-going experiences. By leveraging the insights outlined in the TAVE Strategic Framework and Alberta stories of practice, educational leaders can overcome challenges and embrace the promising prospects of skilled trades and technologies.

Reflective Questions

Student Engagement and Participation:

  1. What is the current enrollment trend in trades and technologies programs in your school authority?
  2. What role can schools play in breaking the stigma associated with skilled trade professions and apprenticeship education, and how can they promote the value and importance of pursuing careers in these fields?
  3. How are you measuring student engagement in trades and technologies learning experiences?
  4. What strategies, if implemented could increase students’ interest and involvement in skilled trades and technologies professions?

Curriculum and Instruction:

  • How can early exposure to trades and technologies be increased? Are there opportunities to integrate practical, hands-on learning experiences into the curriculum? Can these strategies be integrated into the K to 12 education system effectively?
  • Do teachers have the necessary resources, professional development, and materials to effectively offer trades and technologies events and experiences?
  • Are there opportunities to incorporate interdisciplinary approaches that connect trades and technologies with other subjects?
  • How can schools collaborate with industries and employers to offer meaningful and valuable internships and work-integrated learning opportunities for students interested in skilled trades and technologies?
  • How can the curriculum and learning experiences be designed to be culturally responsive and inclusive?
  • What role can technology play in enhancing hands-on learning experiences and promoting interest in skilled trades and technologies among students?
  • What are some best practices for guiding students through career pathway learning journeys that incorporate career awareness and readiness experiences to prepare them for successful career transitions after high school?

Leadership and Action:

  • What innovative approaches taken by school authorities to encourage student interest and involvement in skilled trades and technologies have potential in your jurisdiction?
  • How can partnerships with industries, communities, and post-secondary institutions be leveraged to enhance skilled trades and technologies programming in schools and improve sustainability?
  • What specific goals and objectives are you aiming to achieve through a systemic action plan action?
  • How will policy and/or the education plan lead students’ exploration and pursuit of careers in skilled trades and technologies?
  • What resources (financial, human, technological) are required for successful implementation?
  • How can system leaders support and empower teachers to build curriculum connections and undertake professional learning on the various career pathways and trade opportunities?
  • How will progress be monitored, and what indicators will be used to measure success (e.g. student voice, exit interviews, stakeholder perspectives)?
  • How will stakeholders, including teachers, students, parents, and industry partners, be involved in the implementation process?
  • What evaluation measures can be put in place to assess the effectiveness of initiatives aimed at inspiring students to pursue careers in skilled trades and technologies?
  • How will your school authority ensure system coherence?

Moving Forward Ideas

  • How can the TAVE Strategic Framework and the Career Education in Alberta Task Force Report effectively influence and reshape the practices of Alberta school authorities in the realm of skilled trades and technologies?
  • How can educators, both individually and collectively, undertake the role of change agents and advocates to motivate students towards considering and embracing futures in trades and technologies?
  • How can school authorities collaborate to leverage government policies and funding to create equitable, province-wide scalability of learning opportunities?
  • What role can provincial educational partners and government play in providing research grants or scholarships to students and educators who contribute to innovative advancements in the trades and technologies field?
  • How can government support and private sector partnerships fund the development of province-wide events, initiatives and resource platforms or toolkits that can enhance trades and technologies programming in Alberta?

Additional Resources

Alberta Education. (2023). Leadership quality standard. https://www.alberta.ca/system/files/custom_downloaded_images/ed-leadership-quality-standard-english-print-ready.pdf

Alberta Education. (2023). Superintendent leadership quality standard. https://www.alberta.ca/system/files/custom_downloaded_images/ed-superintendent-leadership-quality-standard-english-print-ready.pdf

CASS. (2022). Skilled trades, apprenticeships, and vocational education (TAVE) strategic framework. https://cass.ab.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Final-Strategic-Framework-2022-09-13-FINAL.pdf

CASS. (2022). Learning guide: Inspiring Alberta’s youth to pursue skilled trades and technologies as a career pathway skilled trades, apprenticeships, and vocational education (TAVE) strategic framework. https://cass.ab.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Learning-Guide-TAVE-Strategic-Framework-Final-Sept-2022.pdf

CASS. (2022). Explore, engage, experience: Finding a future in trades and technologies TAVE survey results. https://cass.ab.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Explore-Engage-Experience-Finding-a-Future-in-Trades-and-Technologies-CASS-Report.pdf

CASS. (2023). Learning guide: Explore, engage, experience: Finding a future in trades and technologies Session 1: EXPLORE. https://cass.ab.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Learning-Guide-TAVE-Explore-Feb-28-2023.pdf

CASS. (2023). Learning guide:  Explore, engage, experience: Finding a future in trades and technologies Session Two: ENGAGE. https://cass.ab.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Learning-Guide-TAVE-Engage-Mar-7-2023.pdf

CASS. (2023). Learning guide. Explore, engage, experience: Finding a future in trades and technologies Session Three: EXPERIENCE. https://cass.ab.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Learning-Guide-TAVE-Experience-Mar-14-2023.pdf

Collective Impact Forum. (n.d.). What is Collective Impact. https://collectiveimpactforum.org/what-is-collective-impact

Government of Alberta. (2023). Career education in Alberta: Career education task force – Final report. https://open.alberta.ca/publications/career-education-in-alberta


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The College of Alberta School Superintendents upholds the standard of practice for system education leaders in Alberta.