Resources / Research

The Resource Library provides searchable access to CASS resources and tools, conference presentations and supports for implementation for professional practice.

eLeadership Guides are on-demand learning resources for system education leaders designed according to the domains of a continuous improvement cycle. These immersive topics will take you on an interactive journey to explore, develop, take action, and evaluate. 

This online guide will support  system leaders in deepening their understanding of foundational knowledge of  Indigenous Peoples.

Research for system education leaders is critical for data-informed decision making and to inform professional learning. This collection of CASS-initiated and co-created research studies will serve to inform system education leaders on a variety of topics related to education. 

Workplace Wellness resources will support system leaders in developing  a comprehensive and  integrated school authority wellbeing plan.

Practice Profiles are professional practice reflection tools for Superintendents and System Leaders.

Alberta Education Professional Practice Standards for Teachers, Leaders and Superintendents.

Competency Overviews are designed to support awareness and understanding of the seven competencies in the SLQS.

Download all Competency Overviews (February 2018) in one PDF file