Resources used and shared at the conference and intended to support continued learning following the conference.
CASS Pro-spective
CASS Pro-spective provides engagement opportunities that are framed around current and emergent education topics and conference areas of focus.
Contributions are only accessible for members and shares current practice based on questions posed. Members input also provides direction to CASS about professional learning needs and identifies areas for future supports and services.
Access CASS Pro-spective as you would access your member portal. Same login credentials apply.
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Session materials are posted on the CASS Pro-spective Project: System Educators Leaders Role Supporting Professional Practice
– Optimum Learning for All Students Implementing Alberta’s 2018 Professional Practice Standards 2022-2023 Year 4 Survey Report
– School Authority Stories of Practice
– Delegates response to inquiry questions
– Research Overview Courtesy of Learning
Conference Opening
Provincial Role-alike
CASS conferences offer a provincial gathering opportunity focused on the needs of system leaders and emergent provincial agendas. Role-Alike time allows members to learn from their peers about approaches that are the most effective for a colleague’s context. Learning from stories of practices about effective or improved practices, provides an opportunity to reflect on one’s own practice and context. The Annual Learning Conference role-alike topics are based on zone feedback gathered in November/December 2022.
Thursday, March 22, 2023
Continuing Education Program (CEP) Accreditation Review
Introduction of the CEP Accreditation Requirements Chart, seeking feedback and input. This chart, once approved, will represent the depth and breadth of professional learning that system education leaders undertake and engage in, on an annual basis, to maintain their accreditation status and demonstrate competency to the public as a system education leader.
Enter your credits count here!
Supporting Effective Governance
This project is intended to gather members knowledge based on experiences from their own unique context. The project began at the FALL conference ( 2022) and will be contributed to in two governance sessions at the Annual Conference.
Special General Meeting – Agenda Package can be accessed in the Member Portal.
Thursday, March 23, 2023 Concurrent Session Resources
Session | Presenters | Resources |
Assurance in Action | Chris Fuzessy and the Foothills School Division Team | Assurance in Action Presentation |
Explore, Engage, Experience: Finding a Future in Trades and Technologies | Jason Kupery and Colleen Symyrozum-Watt | TAVE Presentation |
Investigating Allegations of Racism, Systemic Racism, Prejudice and Bias in the Workplace | Teresa Haykowsky | |
Learning Disruption – Spring 2023 Status | Mat Campbell, Danielle Maczko and Sean Lougheed | Learning Disruption Presentation |
Making Relatives to Hold Space for Indigenous Ways of Being, Belonging, Doing & Knowing across the Calgary Board of Education | Andrea Holowka, Lori Pritchard | Making Relatives… Presentation
CBE Indigenous Education Holistic Lifelong Learning Framework |
Supporting Effective Governance – Continued Conversations | Betty Turpin, Natasha MacArthur-Poole, Dean Lindquist | Supporting Effective Governance Presentation |
System Education Leaders’ Role in Supporting Curriculum Implementation: Examining Our Evidence of Implementation | Catherine Coyne | Examining Evidence of Implementation Presentation |
Session | Presenters | Resources |
Career Pathways in Edmonton Public Schools | Marnie Beaudoin, Thomas Gillard and Sean Jones | Career Pathways Presentation
Handouts: |
Leader Ready: Understanding the Self-Efficacy of Assistant Principals | Dr. Tim Cusack | Leader Ready Presentation |
Investigating Allegations of Racism, Systemic Racism, Prejudice and Bias in the Workplace | Teresa Haykowsky | |
Cultivating Safe Spaces and Meaningful Relationships for Indigenous Students, Families and Organizations in Edmonton Catholic Schools | Joe Naccarato and ECSD Panelists | |
Reflections on Implementation of New Curriculum: Focused on Professional Learning (PL) Plans Related to Teaching, Assessing and Reporting | Katie Graham, Carra Aschenmeier and Michele Jones | Reflections on Implementation of New Curriculum Presentation |
Supporting Effective Governance – Your Role | Dr. Jordan Tinney | Governance and the Role of the Superintendent Presentation |
Literacy and Numeracy Learning: Closing the Achievement Gap Using a Research-Informed Approach | Andrea Cooper, Nancy Petersen | |
Strategic Implementation of Collaborative Response: Planning for System-wide Implementation and Reform | Kristien Holtby, Kurtis Hewson | Strategic Implementation of Collaborative Response Presentation |
Friday, March 24, 2023
Looking Ahead – The Leadership We Need with Jordan Tinney
System education leaders continued growth, based on unique contexts and adaptive challenges, will lead us forward in Alberta.
Annual Conference Conversation Starters:
Leading for Equity
Compassionate Leadership
Presentation – Compassionate Leadership and Racial Equity
FALL Conference Conversation Starters
General Resources or Links
eLeadership Guides
These eLeadership Guides provide targeted interventions to address COVID-19 learning disruptions for Grades 1-3 students and improving success for Indigenous students.
Conference Archives
Thanks to System Education Leaders that share at CASS conferences and allow access to their presentation materials. They are posted in the conference archives found on the “Events” tab of the website.
Conference Survey
Future program plans rely on your feedback and direction. Please complete this learning survey.
New Competency Images
The images for SLQS and LQS braids have been updated and can be downloaded by clicking on the images below.